Saved for 40 years with 37 years of those years in active ministry
Over 25 years of collective experience in organizational management, grant writing,
program development and coordination, support group facilitation, family mediation and
executive director leadership
Has served the body of Christ in various capacities (Apostolic Faith Temple and
M.W.D.D.C) and currently serves as the Senior Pastor of Piercing Faith Church in the
City of St. Paul and Suffragan Bishop in the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World
Married to Sharon Denise for 44 years and has 3 lovely daughters, two sons in-law, nine grandchildren, and one great grandchild.
Has a deep passion for music (singing, writing and playing) and enjoys working out,
reading, and fishing for crappies
Holds a B.S. Degree in Organizational Leadership from Northwestern University and an MSW Degree (clinical) from the University of St. Catherine/St. Thomas, and postgraduate certificates in Executive Director Leadership, Ministry leadership, and Family Mediation
Bishop is a servant leader, author, creative preacher-teacher and lifelong learner who is committed to the study of biblical and extra-biblical literature and their implication and application for salvation, healing, deliverance and the progressive living out of the word of God